Want to know more about over the counter
and natural medicine?
Concerned about medicine appropriateness
and medicine safety?
We are here to help you
It’s time to enter the world of medicine

Our Vision

To be the most convenient and easy to navigate health focused website across Australia where people can find reliable answers regarding medicine appropriateness and medication safety.

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide easy access to everyone across Australia regarding over the counter and natural medicines and help them take appropriate action when in need of a pharmacist consult at any time of the day.

Natural medicine consult

Provides information on most common and important herbs

Over the counter consult

Provides recommendation on most common conditions encountered in pharmacy

Our Core





Who We Are

Pharmacists are needed across Australia, then why not take a step forward and make pharmacy accessible at your fingertips? My name is Basil and I am a registered pharmacist currently working in a country town in Western Australia. To increase accessibility, I created an online platform on which I could relay important information to patients and help them take appropriate action when required. The decision trees will either recommend a product or refer you to the doctor, hospital, or a health care professional. Wouldn’t it make life simple for you? Try it – there are no subscription charges, nor any fees for the consult! I would love to get your feedback and would appreciate if you could leave a testimonial.


A special thanks to Blackmores Institute for carrying out pharmacist training on natural medicine. The information learnt and gathered from this training was used in the creation of the natural medicine section and in providing the relevant information.
I would also like to thank Taha Shuja and his team members in developing this website and presenting my hard work in the best possible way.


Organic skincare tips

Organic skincare is all about using natural, chemical-free products that promote healthy skin. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can achieve healthy, glowing skin without exposing your skin to harsh chemicals.

Science behind traditional medicines

Organic skincare is all about using natural, chemical-free products that promote healthy skin. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can achieve healthy, glowing skin without exposing your skin to harsh chemicals.

Herbal remedies for common ailments

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat a variety of common ailments. Many herbs contain active ingredients that have medicinal properties and can be used to alleviate symptoms and promote healing. Here are some herbal remedies for common ailments that you can try:


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